The types of vocational skills are very diverse, one of which is skills in agriculture. On the type of skill in the field In this case, children are taught how to grow crops, one of the techniques of indoor farming agriculture can use hydroponic techniques.
Vocational skills in agriculture are currently being carried out in several SLBs, one of which is the Batam State SLB. But currently, the program vocational skills in agriculture applied at SLB Negeri Batam still using soil or conventional media so there is no agricultural vocational skills program using hydroponic techniques, in addition to That’s the implementation of the conventional agricultural vocational skills program implemented in schools is not running optimally because of the use of
a large area of land, a long process and requires rough labor so that causes children to be less interested in agriculture, then children are easy fatigue and affect the child’s mood. Then Batam State SLB too expect students who graduate from these schools to have skills that are useful and in accordance with market needs. In addition, the Batam State SLB is one of the right schools to implement the program vocational skills program for plant cultivation using techniques hydroponics, because basically the Batam State SLB emphasizes more vocational skills in agriculture.
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